Linking multiple Reusely accounts is feasible with the use of Marketplace Reusely Account and Partner Reusely Account. The Marketplace Website can utilize Reusely Marketplace API to display the multiple partner trade-in offers from multiple partners, both online and offline.

A Reusely Marketplace integration consists of several key components:

  1. Marketplace Website
  2. Reusely App
  3. Marketplace API
  4. Partner Reusely Account
  5. Marketplace Reusely Account

The capabilities of Reusely Marketplace API to facilitate the Trade-In Flow:

  1. Display catalog from all of the partners.
  2. Choose the options of Mail-In or In-Store (purchasing method).
  3. Show highest offer (Mail-In only). For In-Store, it depends on the conditions, then the location would appear.
  4. From the linked accounts, the available In-Store location will be shown.
  5. Access the checkout flow.

Reusely Marketplace - Easy to Use!

Partner Reusely Account can link to Marketplace Reusely Account to utilize the Marketplace Website feature on the Reusely App.

The Marketplace Reusely Account, also integrated with the Reusely App, manages the trade-ins synchronized with the Marketplace API. Managed by individual partners, each account communicates with the Marketplace API to provide real-time data and transaction capabilities.

The Marketplace API facilitates the integration between your application, providing access to general catalog data from partners, payout methods, and store locations. This integration enables an integrated experience across different platforms and seamless buyback transactions, providing customers with a broader range of options.

Marketplace API Use

Marketplace Website/Application can be web-based, mobile, or desktop, allowing users to interact with the Reusely Marketplace API to browse catalog items, select payout methods, and choose store locations. You have to send requests to your backend, which then interacts with the Marketplace API to retrieve and update data. It provides customers with options for trade-ins based on the integrated data from Reusely and its partners.

To use the Marketplace API, include the additional x-marketplace-key parameter in your requests. This key ensures that you can access the extended data set and functionality provided by the Marketplace API.

Example request:
curl --location ''
--header 'x-api-key: {{x-api-key}}'
--header 'x-tenant-id: {{x-tenant-id}}'
--header 'x-marketplace-key: {{x-marketplace-key}}'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'