Endpoint: Each endpoint corresponds to a specific resource and action.

HTTP Methods, Standard HTTP verbs are used:
GET for retrieving data
POST for creating resources
PUT or PATCH for updating resources
DELETE for deleting resources

Reusely employs standard HTTP response codes to signify the outcome of an API request:
2xx Range: Indicates a successful request.
4xx Range: Indicates a client error due to the provided information (e.g., a missing required parameter, a failed operation, etc.).
5xx Range: Indicates a server error on Reusely’s side (these are rare).
Certain 4xx errors that can be programmatically handled (e.g., a validation failure) include an error code that provides a brief explanation of the issue.

200 (OK): The client request was successfully processed by the server.
201 (Created): The server successfully created or added the requested resource.
400 (Bad Request): The client request could not be processed due to invalid input or failed validation.
401 (Unauthorized): The client request failed due to unauthorized access.
403 (Forbidden): The client request was denied because the client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 (Not Found): The client request failed because the requested resource could not be found.
500 (Internal Server Error): The client request failed due to a server error.
503 (Service Unavailable): The client request failed because the server is temporarily unable to handle the request.